Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores, also known as Tatu Babe is a tattoo artist. Her birth date was the 28th of October, 1987 Colombia, USA. Find out more about Tatu's Networth as well as her complete biography. She is an American TV personality and a tattoo artist. Ink Master, a reality TV show featuring tattoo artists competing in competitions was the first show she appeared in. Ink Master 2 saw her finish fourth. Tatu was the winner of season 3. Ink Master. Cartel Crew was a reality show that focused on individuals who have connections with drug cartels. Tatubaby is a tattoo artist American that began professional tattooing at the age of 19. Tatu Baby has won her Best Of Day trophy at the convention for tattoo competitions. Tatu s baby tattoo works are most well-known for their authentic custom designs in of grey and black tattoos. Tatu understands that the body can be a wonderful canvas on which to create their own unique style. Tatu Baby was disqualified of the Ink Master Season 2 tattoo competition after reaching fourth place. Tatu baby began tattooing aged 14 years old. Tatu Baby got tattooed herself in the same time frame at 19 when she was a full-time professional tattoo artist. Tatu Babe also known as. Katherine Kat Flores is a Colombian American girl who was raised on the streets of Miami Florida. Her parents are Colombians. Her father, who was a drug dealer from Queens New York, was murdered by a rival group when she was four years old. When she was only four, her father, who was a drug kingpin from Queens, New York, was murdered by a rival gang. Tatu's mother wanted her to quit the drug industry after her dad's murder. Tatu, her mother, along with their family relocated to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. Tatu dropped out of the college as she studied animation. When she was 14 years old, she started showing interest in tattoos. She became an experienced professional tattoo artist by the age of 19. Tatu Her twin brother is Kenneth Roman.

Astrid Berges is an actress from Spain. When she was in school, she began performing in the theatre as an interest. Rural surroundings kept her from contemplating a career in the field. The physical attributes of Astrid helped her achieve success later on. The condition known as sectoral homochromia gave her two-toned irises. The soft foreign accent and bone structure made it an obvious choice for Sofi to get a role in I Origins. The elegant actress says "I have to start from scratch each time and never repeating my own mistakes." This, she claims, makes her concerned at times but is also what makes her feel happy, believing that she's improving every time she does a project. Astrid places a lot of importance in her characters. She makes sure she is conscious of how people are speaking, moving and acting. Astrid is proficient in Catalan and Spanish in addition to Italian, French, and English.

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